ČLANEK: Konsistentni tangentni operator za algoritem "cutting plane" (CPA)
Starman, Halilovič, Vrh, Štok
Consistent Tangent Operator for Cutting-Plane Algorithm of Elasto-Plasticity, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 2014
Za algoritem CPA smo izpeljali konsistentni tangentni operator, kljub splošno veljavnemu mnenju, da za CPA tega operatorja ni možno izpeljati.
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KONFERENCA: 9th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Numisheet, Melbourne, Australia
Starman, Halilovič, Vrh, Štok
Rapid implementation of advanced constitutive models. V: YOON, Jeong Whan (ur.). Numisheet 2014, (AIP conference proceedings, ISSN 0094-243X, vol. 1567). Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2013, f. 488-491
ČLANEK: BBC2008 – nov kriterij plastičnega tečenja
Vrh, Halilovič, Starman, Štok, Comsa, Banabic
Capability of the BBC2008 yield criterion in predicting the earingprofile in cup deep drawing simulations, European journal of mechanics. A, Solids, 2014, vol. 45, str. 59-74.
Predlagali smo nov anizotropni model, ga implementirali z NICE shemo in pregledali njegovo fleksibilnost za popis obnašanja pločevine.
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KNJIGA: Osnove statike in trdnosti s preprostimi in nazornimi poskusi, 2. dopolnjena izdaja : delovni učbenik za Tehniško mehaniko 1
Halilovič, Urevc, Starman
Fakulteta za strojništvo, 2013
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ČLANEK: Dodatno izboljšana natančnost NICE sheme
Halilovič,Vrh, Štok
NICEh - a higher-order explicit numerical scheme for integration of constitutive models in plasticity. Eng. comput., 2013, vol. 29, issue 1, str. 55-70
Za namen integracije konstitutivnih enačb smo še dodatno izboljšati natančnost naše NICE sheme.
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ČLANEK: Numerična analiza vpliva načina vgradnje Coriolisovega merilnika pretoka
Bobovnik, Kutin, Mole, Štok, Bajsić
Numerical analysis of installation effects in coriolis flowmeters : a case study of a short straight tube full-bore design. Flow meas. instrum.. [Print ed.], Dec. 2013, vol. 34, str. 142-150
Na osnovi uporabljenega sklopljenega tekočinsko-trdninskega numeričnega modela Coriolisovega merilnika pretoka tekočin je opravljena študija vpliva načina vgradnje merilnika na njegovo merilno občutljivost.
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VRH, Marko, HALILOVIČ, Miroslav, STARMAN, Bojan, ŠTOK, Boris, COMSA,
Dan-Sorin, BANABIC, Dorel. Capability of the BBC2008 yield criterion in
predicting the earingprofile in cup deep drawing simulations. European
journal of mechanics. A, Solids, 2014, vol. 45, str. 59-74.
ČLANEK: Določitev optimalne začetne oblike pločevine za proces globokega vleka pločevine
Mole, Cafuta, Štok
A method for optimal blank shape determination in sheet metal forming based on numerical simulations. Stroj. vestn., Apr. 2013, vol. 59, no. 4, str. 237-250
Določitev optimalne začetne oblike pločevine na osnovi računalniške simulacije procesa globokega vleka pločevine.
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ČLANEK: Vpliv omejene termične ekspanzije v NE Krško
Koc, Halilovič, Štok
Impact of restrained thermal expansion on NPP Krško primary loop piping. Teh. vjesn. - Stroj. fak., 2013, god. 20, br. 5, str. 897-904
Analiziran je vpliv morebitne napačne nastavitve omejilcev gibanja na mehansko stanje primarnega sistema.
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ČLANEK: Dinamske obremenitve teleskopske kobilice jadrnice
Sea-wave Loading of Sailing Yacht`s Retractable Keel, Stroj. vestn., 2013
KONFERENCA: XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAST XII, Barcelona, Spain
Starman, Halilovič, Vrh, Štok
On the stability of the recently developed NICE integration scheme. V: ONATE, Eugenio (ur.). Computational Plasticity XII : proceedings of the XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity - Fundamentals and Applications, COMPLAST XII, Barcelona, Spain 3 - 5 September 2013. Barcelona: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2013, f. 751-760
KONFERENCA: 51st European Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting, Lyon, France
Urevc, Žun, Brumen, Štok
Viscosity model of time-dependent blood flow considering deformable RBCs clustering. V: 51st European Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting, May 13, 14 and 15th 2013, Lyon, France. [Lyon: INSA, 2013], str. 31
KONFERENCA: The 16th International Flow Measurement Conference, Flomeko, Poitiers, France
Bobovnik, Kutin, Mole, Štok, Bajsić
Influence of the design parameters on the installation effects in coriolis flowmeters. V: Flomeko 2013. [Poitiers: Flomeko 2013], 2013, datoteka B7.2 - 236
PATENT: Qbiss-Air fasadni panel (slovenski patent, podeljen)
Kralj, Žnidaršič, Halilovič, Vrh, Štok
Gradbeni panel kot struktura zunanje in notranje plošče z vmesnim izolacijskim prostorom, SI23514, Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino, 2012
Izum je bil realiziran v podjetju Trimo d.d., Trebnje.
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ČLANEK: Določitev optimalne oblike orodja za preoblikovanje pločevine
Cafuta, Mole, Štok
An enhanced displacement adjustment method : springback and thinning compensation. Mater. eng., 2012, vol. 40, str. 476-487
Določitev optimalne oblike orodja za preoblikovanje pločevine na osnovi računalniške simulacije procesa globokega vleka pločevine.
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KONFERENCA: 7th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Zadar, Croatia
Vrh, Halilovič, Štok
Mechanical behaviour characterization of sheet metal at large plastic strains. V: VIRAG, Zdravko (ur.), KOZMAR, Hrvoje (ur.), SMOJVER, Ivica (ur.). 7th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Zadar, Croatia, 22 - 25 May 2012. Book of abstracts : [organized by] Croatian Society of Mechanics. Zagreb: STUDIO HRG, 2012, str. 185-186
PATENT: Qbiss-Air fasadni panel (mednarodni patent, v postopku pridobivanja)
Kralj, Žnidaršič, Halilovič, Vrh, Štok
Building panel as structure of external and inner plate with intermediate insulation space, EP2464799A1, PCT/SI/2011/000009, Geneva: International Bureau of WIPO, 2011
Izum je bil realiziran v podjetju Trimo d.d., Trebnje.
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KNJIGA: Osnove statike in trdnosti s preprostimi in nazornimi poskusi : delovni učbenik za Tehniško mehaniko 1
Halilovič, Urevc, Starman
Fakulteta za strojništvo, 2011
ČLANEK: Nov anizotropni elasto-plastični model, ki upošteva zmanjševanje togosti
Vrh, Halilovič, Starman, Štok
A new anisotropic elasto-plastic model with degradation of elastic modulus for accurate springback simulations. Int. j. mater. form., 2011, vol. 4, no. 2, str. 217-225
Predlagali smo nov anizotropni elasto-plastični model, ki upošteva zmanjševanje togosti v odvisnosti od poti obremenjevanja.
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ČLANEK: Karakterizacija snovnih lastnosti pri varjenju
Urevc, Koc, Štok
Characterization of material parameters used in the mathematical modelling of arc welding and heat treatment processes. Trans. FAMENA, 2011, vol. 35, no. 4, str. 1-14
Z metodo končnih elementov ter z uporabo dvo- in tro-razsežnih numeričnih modelov zvarnega spoja je izvedena računalniška simulacija obločnega varjenja in naknadne toplotne obdelave 35mm debele pločevine nerjavnega jekla AISI 316L.
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KONFERENCA: The 8th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Numisheet, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Vrh, Halilovič, Starman, Štok, Comsa, Banabic
Earing prediction in cup drawing using the BBC2008 yield criterion. V: CHUNG, Kwansoo (ur.). The 8th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes (NUMISHEET 2011), Seoul, Republic of Korea, 21-26 August 2011, (AIP conference proceedings, 1383). Seol (Južna Koreja), 2011, str. 142-149
KONFERENCA: The 14th International Conference on Material Forming, Esaform, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Vrh, Halilovič, Štok
Characterization of mechanical behaviour of sheet metal: hardening at large strains and anisotropy identification. V: MENARY, Gary (ur.). Esaform 2011, (AIP conference proceedings, vol. 1353). Queen's University: Belfast, 2011, str. 1441-1446
KONFERENCA: The 13th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Crete, Greece
Halilovič, Mole, Štok
Thermo-mechanical modelling of continuous casting primary zones. V: TOPPING, Barry H. V. (ur.), TSOMPANAKIS, Yiannis (ur.). Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, 6-9 September 2011, Crete, Greece. Proceedings, (Civil-comp proceedings, 96). Stirlingshire: Civil-Comp Press, cop. 2011, str. [1-18].
Prikazan je način izračuna napetostno deformacijskega stanja pravkar strjenega jekla v primarni coni kontinuirnega litja.
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ČLANEK: Evolucija efektivnih elastičnih lastnosti nerjavnega jekla
Vrh, Halilovič, Štok
The evolution of effective elastic properties of a cold formed stainless steel sheet. Exp. mech.. Tiskana izd., 2010, vol. 51, no. 5, str. 677-695
Zmanjševanje modula elastičnosti merili pri različnih režimih obremenjevanja. Obstoječi konstitutivni modeli takšen pojav napačno napovejo za pravokotno smer glede na smer obremenjevanja.
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ČLANEK: Izboljšana eksplicitna integracija v plastičnosti
Vrh, Halilovič, Štok
Improved explicit integration in plasticity. Int. j. numer. methods eng., 2010, vol. 81, iss. 7, str. 910-938.
Predstavljene so poglobljene teoretične osnove nove numerične NICE sheme.
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ČLANEK: Uporaba NICE sheme pri integraciji konstitutivnih enačb
Halilovič, Vrh, Štok
Integration of constitutive equations with a new explicit scheme. Int. j. mater. form., 2010, Vol. 3, str. 263-266.
Prikazan je način implementacije konstitutivnih enačb z novo NICE shemo.
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KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Cafuta, Mole, Štok
ŠIROK, Brane (ur.), EBERLINC, Matjaž (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi, 23. september 2010, Ljubljana. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: SDM - Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 2010, str. 17-24
ČLANEK: Analitična rešitev elastoplastičnega upogiba nosilcev pravokotnega prereza
Štok, Halilovič
Analytical solutions in elasto-plasto bending of beams with rectangular cross section. Appl. math. model.. [Print ed.], 2009, issue 3, vol. 33, str. 1749-1760.
Izpeljani so analitični izrazi za upogibnico delno plastificiranega nosilca pravokotnega prereza.
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ČLANEK: Računalniška simulacija procesa štancanja
Mole, Štok
Finite element simulation of sheet fine blanking process. Int. j. mater. form., 2009, vol. 2, no. 1, str. 551-554.
Računalniška simulacija procesa štancanja krožne luknje.
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ČLANEK: Modeliranje elastične povračljivosti pri preoblikovanju pločevine
Vrh, Halilovič, Starman, Štok
Modelling of springback in sheet metal forming. Int. j. mater. form., 2009, vol. 2, iss. 1, str. 825-828
Konstitutivne zveze, ki upoštevajo zmanjševanje modula elastičnosti z razvojem plastičnih deformacij, smo uporabili za napoved elastične povračljivosti po odvzemu izdelka iz preoblikovalnega orodja.
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ČLANEK: Nova integracijska shema NICE za eksplicitne MKE programe
Halilovič, Vrh, Štok
NICE-an explicit numerical scheme for efficient integration of nonlinear constitutive equations. Math. comput. simul. (Print). [Print ed.], Oct. 2009, vol. 80, iss. 2, str. 294-313.
Razvili smo novo numerično shemo za integracijo konstitutivnih enačb plastičnosti.
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ČLANEK: Napoved elastične povračljivosti pločevine z upoštevanjem zmanjšanja modula elastičnosti
Vrh, Halilovič, Štok
Prediction of elastic recovery of a formed steel sheet considering stiffness degradation. Meccanica, Jun. 2009, vol. 44, no. 3, str. 321-338.
Izmerjen pojav zmanjševanja modula elastičnosti smo vključili v numerične simulacije preko na novo zasnovanih konstitutivnih zvez
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KONFERENCA: Conference in honour od prof. dr. Božidar Liščić, Dubrovnik-Cavtat, Croatia
Urevc, Koc, Štok
Numerical determination of residual stresses after heat treatment of fusion weld. V: SMOLJAN, Božidar (ur.), MATIJEVIĆ, Božidar (ur.). Conference in honour od prof. dr. Božidar Liščić, 09-12 June, 2009, Dubrovnik, Cavtat, Croatia. New challenges in heat treatment and surface engineering : proceedings : conference in honour od prof. dr. Božidar Liščić, 09-12 June, 2009, Dubrovnik, Cavtat, Croatia. Zagreb: Croatian Society fot Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering: = CSHTSE, 2009, str. 297-302.
KONFERENCA: 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics Dubrovnik, Croatia
Halilovič, Vrh, Štok
A general method for implementation of elasto-plastic constitutive models into FEM programs. V: Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 30 - October 2, 2009, (Besedilni podatki). Zagreb: Croatian Society of Mechanics, cop. 2009, 9 str.
KONFERENCA: 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics Dubrovnik, Croatia
Vrh, Halilovič, Starman, Štok
On advanced modelling of sheet metal forming. V: SMOJVER, Ivica (ur.), SORIĆ, Jurica (ur.). 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 30 - October 2, 2009. Book of abstract. Zagreb: Croatian Society of Mechanics, cop. 2009, str. 152
KONFERENCA: 5th ICCES International Symposium on Meshless and Other Novel Computational Methods, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vrh, Halilovič, Štok
Higher order explicit scheme for accurate integration of a class of constitutive models. V: ATLURI, Satya N. (ur.), ŠARLER, Božidar (ur.). 5th ICCES International Symposium on Meshless and Other Novel Computational Methods, August 31 - September 2, 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Book of abstracts. Nova Gorica: University, 2009, str. 64-65
KONFERENCA: The 12th International Conference on Material Forming, Esaform, Twente, Netherlands
Vrh, Halilovič, Starman, Štok
Modelling of springback in sheet metal forming. V: ESAFORM 2009 : book of abstracts. [s. l.: s. n.], 2009, str. 60
KONFERENCA: The 12th International Conference on Material Forming, Esaform, Twente, Netherlands
Mole, Štok
Finite element simulation of sheet fine blanking process. V: ESAFORM 2009 : book of abstracts. [s. l.: s. n.], 2009, str. 61
PATENT: Vpenjalni mehanizem registratorja (mednarodni patent, podeljen)
Kavčič, Pokorn, Halilovič, Koc, Štok, Mole
Clipping assembly of a document file : European Patent Nr. EP 1 606 122 B1 : date of publication 21.05.2008, Bulletin 2008/21 : international application number PCT/SI20/03000011 : international publication number WO 20/04082961 (30.09.2004 Gazette 2004/40): European Patent Office (EPO), 2008
Izum je bil realiziran v podjetju Niko d.d., Železniki.
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ČLANEK: Numerično simuliranje žarjenja za odpravo zaostalih napetosti avstenitnega nerjavnega jekla
Urevc, Koc, Štok
Strain path dependent stiffness degradation of a loaded sheet. Int. j. mater. form., 2008, vol. 1, iss. 1, str. 297-300.
ČLANEK: Zmanjšanje togosti pločevine zaradi načina plastičnega preoblikovanja
Vrh, Halilovič, Mišič, Štok
Strain path dependent stiffness degradation of a loaded sheet. Int. j. mater. form., 2008, vol. 1, iss. 1, str. 297-300.
Z novo zasnovo eksperimenta smo merili modul elastičnosti pločevine v pravokotni smeri glede na smer predhodne plastične deformacije. Pločevina je z deformiranjem postajala elastično ortotropna.
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ČLANEK: Tridimenzionalna numerična simulacija modela tekoče-trdno za Coriolisov merilnik pretoka
Mole, Bobovnik, Kutin, Štok, Bajsić
An improved three-dimensional coupled fluid-structure model for Coriolis flowmeters. J. fluids struct., 2008, letn. 24, št. 4, str. 559.
ČLANEK: Vpliv zmanjšanja modula elastičnosti na izračun elastične povračljivosti
Vrh, Halilovič, Štok
Impact of Young's modulus degradation on springback calculation in steel sheet drawing = Vpliv zmanjšanja Youngovega modula na izračun elastične povračljivosti pri vleku jeklene pločevine. Stroj. vestn., 2008, letn. 54, št. 4, str. 288-296.
Z meritvami smo pokazali, da se modul elastičnosti pločevine, ki jo predhodno plastično deformiramo, zmanjša tudi do 15%.
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ČLANEK: Uporaba krivulje tečenja v numeričnih simulacijah
Koc, Štok
Usage of the yield curve in numerical simulations. Stroj. vestn., 2008, letn. 54, št. 12, str. 821-829.
ČLANEK: Analiza mehanskega odziva ohišja jedra elektromagneta
Čelik, Koc, Štok
Analiza mehanskega odziva ohišja jedra elektromagneta. Ventil (Ljubl.), 2008, letn. 14, št. 5, str. 446-455.
KONFERENCA: The 11th International Conference on Material Forming, Esaform, Lyon, France
Vrh, Halilovič, Mišič, Štok
Strain path dependent stiffness degradation of a loaded sheet. V: ESAFORM 2008 : proceedings. Lyon: Springer, 2008, 4 str
KONFERENCA: The 9th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Athens, Greece
Halilovič, Vrh, Štok
A new efficient explicit numerical integration of constitutive equations : application to sheet metal forming simulations. V: TOPPING, Barry H. V. (ur.), PAPADRAKAKIS, Manolis (ur.). Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Athens, Greece, September 2-5, 2008. Stirlingshire, Scotland: Civil-Comp Press, cop. 2008, 12 str
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Cerklje na Gorenjskem, Slovenia
Urevc, Koc, Štok
Numerično modeliranje termomehanskega odziva zvarjenca pri obločnem varjenju = Numerical modelling of thermomechanical response of welded joint due to shielded metal arc welding. V: BOLTEŽAR, Miha (ur.), SLAVIČ, Janko (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi 2008, Cerklje na Gorenjskem, 25.-26. sept. 2008. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 2008, str. 221-228
KONFERENCA: 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS, Venice, Italy
Vrh, Halilovič, Štok
A new efficient explicit numerical scheme for integration of DAE : application to constitutive equation in solid mechanics. V: SCHREFLER, Bernhard (ur.), PEREGO, Umberto (ur.). 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics WCCM8 [and] 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2008, Venice, Italy, 30 June-4 July 2008. Barcelona: CIMNE - International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, cop. 2008, 2 str
KONFERENCA: STAR European Conference, London, UK
Bobovnik, Mole, Kutin, Štok, Bajsić
The importance of 3D modeling of Coriolis flowmeters. V: STAR European Conference 2008, London, March 17-18, 2008 : proceedings. [London: CD-adapco], 2008, 8 str
ČLANEK: Razvoj elastoplastičnega stanja med upogibom nosilcev
Halilovič, Štok
Analitično spremljanje razvoja elastoplastičnega stanja med upogibom nosilcev pravokotnega prereza = Analytical tracing of the evolution of the elasto-plastic state during the bending of beams with a rectangular cross-section. Stroj. vestn., 2007, letn. 53, št. 12, str. 806-818.
Za nosilec pravokotnega prereza spremljamo razvoj plastične cone od nastanka plastičnih deformacij do teoretične točke porušitve.
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KONFERENCA: 10th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Zaragoza, Spain
Vrh, Halilovič, Štok
Approaches to modelling of elastic modulus degradation in sheet metal forming. V: CUETO, Elías (ur.), CHINESTA, Francisco (ur.). 10th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Zaragoza, 18-20 April, 2007, (AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 907). [Melville USA]: American Institute of Physics, cop. 2007, str. 239-244
KONFERENCA: 10th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Zaragoza, Spain
Halilovič, Vrh, Štok
Impact of elastic modulus degradation on springback in sheet metal forming. V: CUETO, Elías (ur.), CHINESTA, Francisco (ur.). 10th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Zaragoza, 18-20 April, 2007, (AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 907). [Melville USA]: American Institute of Physics, cop. 2007, str. 925-930.
KONFERENCA: 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, Numiform, Porto, Portugal
Halilovič, Vrh, Štok
Impact of elastic modulus degradation on springback in sheet metal forming. V: CESAR DE SA, J.M.A. (ur.), SANTOS, Abel D. (ur.). NUMIFORM 2007, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, Porto, Portugal, June 17-21, 2007. Materials processing and design : modeling, simulation and applications : editors J.M.A. Cesar de Sa, A.D. Santos, (AIP Conference Proceedings, 908). [S. l.]: American Institute of Physics, cop. 2007, str. 925-930.
KONFERENCA: International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Portorož, Slovenia
Ferjančič, Štok, Halilovič, Koc, Mole, Otrin, Kotar
Fast thermal transients on valve. V: JENČIČ, Igor (ur.), LENOŠEK, Melita (ur.). International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2007, Portorož, Slovenia, September 10-13. Conference proceedings. Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2007, str. 908.1-908.8
KONFERENCA: The 9th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Glasgow, UK
Mole, Poje, Štok
Effect of selective lubrication and variable blank holding on deep drawing conditions. V: JUSTER, Neal P. (ur.), ROSOCHOWSKI, Andrzej (ur.). The 9th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Glasgow, April 26-28, 2006. Kraków: "Akapit", 2006, str. 255-258
ČLANEK: Sklopljena uporaba končnih in robnih elementov v multifizikalnih problemih
Štok, Mole
Coupling FEM and BEM for computationally efficient solutions of multi-physics and multi-domain problems. Eng. comput., 2005, letn. 22, št. 5/6, str. 711-738.
ČLANEK: Sklopljena uporaba končnih volumnov in končnih elementov za Coriolisov merilnik pretoka
Bobovnik, Mole, Kutin, Štok, Bajsić
Coupled finite-volume/finite-element modelling of the straight-tube Coriolis flowmeter. J. fluids struct., 2005, letn. 20, št. 6, str. 785-800.
KONFERENCA: ICCES 05, Madras, Chennai, India
Kotar, Koc, Štok
On the approximation of induction heating problem optimization. V: SIVAKUMAR, S.M. (ur.). Proceedings of ICCES 05, December 1-6, 2005, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai, India. Advances in computational & experimental engineering and sciences : proceedings of ICCES '05, December 1-6, 2005, Chennai, India. [S.l.]: Tech Science Press, 2005, str. 240-245
KONFERENCA: The 10th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Rome, Italy
Mole, Bobovnik, Kutin, Štok, Bajsić
Coupled fluid-structure simulation of the Coriolis Flowmeter under forced vibration. V: TOPPING, Barry H. V. (ur.). Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Rome, Italy, 30 August-2 September 2005. Stirling [Scotland]: Civil-Comp Press, 2005, paper 114, 16 str.
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Podčetrtek, Slovenia
Mole, Bobovnik, Kutin, Štok, Bajsić
Simulacija odziva Coriolisovega merilnika masnega toka upoštevajoč sklopljenost tekočine in trdnine = Coupled fluid structure simulation of Coriolis flowmeter. V: KORELC, Jože (ur.), ZUPAN, Dejan (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi 2005, Podčetrtek, 22.-23. september 2005. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 2005, str. 191-198
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Podčetrtek, Slovenia
Rojc, Štok
Dva pristopa k uporabi konvektnega koordinatnega sistema v analizi deformabilnih teles pri velikih deformacijah = Two approaches to convected frames in solid analysis in finite deformations. V: KORELC, Jože (ur.), ZUPAN, Dejan (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi 2005, Podčetrtek, 22.-23. september 2005. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 2005, str. 263-266
PATENT: Vpenjalni mehanizem registratorja (slovenski patent, podeljen)
Kavčič, Pokorn, Halilovič, Koc, Štok, Mole
Vpenjalni mehanizem registratorja, SI21455, Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino, 2004
Izum je bil realiziran v podjetju Niko d.d., Železniki.
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ČLANEK: Identifikacija krivulje tečenja po začetku lokalne nestabilnosti
Koc, Štok
Computer-aided identification of the yield curve of a sheet metal after onset of necking. Comput. mater. sci.. [Print ed.], 2004, letn. 31, št. 1/2, str. 155-168.
KONFERENCA: The 15th European Conference of Fracture ECF 15, Stockholm, Sweden
Pustaić, Štok
Modelling of cohesive stresses in a plastic zone around the crack tips in a strain-hardening material. V: The 15th Europen Conference of Fracture ECF 15, August 11-13, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden. Advanced fracture mechanics for life and safety assessments : proceedings. [S.l.: s.n.], 2004
KONFERENCA: The 4th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Lisbon, Portugal
Mole, Bobovnik, Kutin, Štok, Bajsić
Coupled fluid-structure simulation of a Coriolis flowmeter. V: TOPPING, Barry H. V. (ur.), SOARES, Carlos A. Mota (ur.). Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 September 2004. Stirling: Civil-Comp, 2004, str. 71
KONFERENCA: International conference on computational & experimental engineering & sciences, Madeira, Portugal
Kotar, Koc, Štok
On the optimization of a radial induction heating problem. V: TADEU, A. (ur.), ATLURI, Satya N. (ur.). 2004 International conference on computational & experimental engineering & sciences, 26-29 July, 2004, Madeira, Portugal. Advances in computational & experimental engineering & sciences : proceedings of the 2004 International conference on computational & experimental engineering & sciences, 26-29 July, 2004, Madeira, Portugal. [S.l.]: Tech Science Press, cop. 2004, 1723 - 1728.
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Otočec, Slovenia
Kotar, Koc, Štok
Optimiranje procesa segrevanja valja = Optimization of a cylinder heating problem. V: KORELC, Jože (ur.), ZUPAN, Dejan (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi 2004, Otočec, 30. september - 1. oktober 2004. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 2004, str. 173-180
KONFERENCA: Forming technology seminar, Aarhus, Denmark
Štok, Mole, Koc
Computer simulation of deep drawing processes. V: Forming technology seminar, Aarhus, Denmark, 26-27 August 2004. [s,l.]: [s.n.], 2004, 7 str
KONFERENCA: NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Bled, Slovenia
Štok, Mole
Coupling FEM & BEM for computationally efficient solutions of multi-physics and multi-domain problems. V: IBRAHIMBEGOVIĆ, Adnan (ur.), BRANK, Boštjan (ur.). NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Bled, Slovenija, June 13-17 2004. Multi-physics and multi-scale computer models in nonlinear analysis and optimal design of engineering structures under extreme conditions : proceedings. V Ljubljani: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, 2004, str. 625-648.
ČLANEK: Paralelno procesiranje na heterogenih računalniških sistemih
Rus, Štok, Mole
Parallel computing with load balancing on heterogeneous distributed systems. Adv. eng. softw. (1992). [Print ed.], 2003, vol. 34, no. 4, str. 185-201.
ČLANEK: Občutljivostna analiza elastoplastičnih sistemov pri velikih deformacijah
Rojc, Štok
About finite element sensitivity analysis of elastoplastic systems at large strains. Comput. struct.. [Print ed.], 2003, 81, 1795-1809.
ČLANEK: Identifikacija krivulje transporta vlage v lesu
Koc, Houška, Štok
Computer aided identification of the moisture transport parameters in spruce wood. Holzforschung. Tiskana izdaja, 2003, letn. 57, št. 5, str. 533-538.
ČLANEK: Simulacija toka vetra okrog elastične membrane
Šajn, Kosel, Štok
Numerical simulation of wind flow around an elastic inflated membrane. Int. j. eng. model., 2003, let. 16, št. 3/4, str. 83-88.
KONFERENCA: 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Bizovac, Croatia
Štok, Mole
On numerical determination of mechanical response in problems of coupled multi-physics. V: MATEJIČEK, Franjo (ur.). Extended abstracts of the 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics held in Bizovac, September 18-20, 2003. Zagreb: Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2003, str. 21-39
KONFERENCA: IDDRG 2003 Conference, Bled, Slovenia
Poje, Štok, Mole
By interconnecting and integration of knowledge toward a new technological quality. V: KUZMAN, Karl (ur.). IDDRG 2003 Conference, May 11th - 14th 2003, Bled, Slovenia. Conference proceedings. Celje: TECOS, Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre, 2003, str. 233-240
KONFERENCA: 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Bizovac, Croatia
Halilovič, Štok
A contribution to the study of plastic state : evolution in beam structures of rectangular cross-section. V: MATEJIČEK, Franjo (ur.). 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, September 18-20, 2003, Bizovac, Croatia. Proceedings. Zagreb: Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2003, str. 199-206
KONFERENCA: 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Bizovac, Croatia
Pustaić, Štok
Modelling of plastic yielding : micromechanism in the cohesive zone around a crack tip in a strain-hardening material. V: MATEJIČEK, Franjo (ur.). 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, September 18-20, 2003, Bizovac, Croatia. Proceedings. Zagreb: Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2003, str. 405-412
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Zreče, Slovenia
Halilovič, Štok
Analitično določevanje upogibnice nosilca pravokotnega prereza v elastoplastičnem področju = Analytical determination of elastoplastic deflection line of a beam element with rectangular cross-section. V: ŠKERGET, Leopold (ur.), MARN, Jure (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '03, Zreče, 25.-26. september 2003. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 2003, str. 269-276
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Ribni pri Bledu, Slovenia
Rus, Štok, Mole
Paralelno reševanje fizikalnih problemov = Parallel computing of physical problems. V: ŠKERGET, Leopold (ur.), MARN, Jure (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '02, Ribno pri Bledu, 26.-27. september 2002. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 2002, str. 319-326
KONFERENCA: The International Conference on Computational Engineering & Science, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Štok, Mole
Coupling FE and BE approach in axisymmetric eddy current problems solution. V: ATLURI, Satya N. (ur.), NISHIOKA, Toshihisa (ur.), KIKUCHI, Masanori (ur.). Advances in computational engineering & sciences, ICES'01 : [proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Engineering & Science, 19-25 August 2001, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico]. [Palmdale, CA]: Tech Science Press, 2001, 209.pdf (6 str.).
KONFERENCA: 8th Seminar of the International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering IFHTSE 2001, Dubrovnik-Cavtat, Croatia
Mole, Štok
Coupled FEM-BEM modelling in view of heat induction processes simulation. V: LIŠČIĆ, Božidar (ur.). 8th Seminar of the International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering IFHTSE 2001, Dubrovnik, Cavtat, Croatia, September 12-14, 2001. Integration of heat treatment and surface engineering in the manufacture of engineering components : proceedings. Zagreb: Croatian Society for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, 2001, str. 343-350
KONFERENCA: The 8th International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Eisenstadt-Vienna, Austria
Rojc, Štok
About sensitivity analysis for elastoplastic systems at large strains. V: TOPPING, Barry H. V. (ur.). Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Eisenstadt, Vienna, Austria, 19-21 September 2001. [Stirling]: Civil-Comp, cop. 2001, paper 83 (Rojc.pdf).
KONFERENCA: 16th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Washington, USA
Štok, Koc, Halilovič
Impact of restrained thermal expansion on RCS structural integrity of Krško NPP. V: MATZEN, Vernon C. (ur.), TUNG, C. C. David (ur.). SMiRT 16, the 16th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Washington DC, August 12-17, 2001. Transactions. [Raleigh]: North Carolina State University; [s. l.]: Omnipress, 2001, j2006.pdf (8 str.).
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Portorož, Slovenia
Mole, Štok
Uporaba MKE in MRE pri reševanju osnosimetričnih problemov induktivnega segrevanja = Coupling FE and BE approach in axisymmetric induction heating problems. V: ŠKERGET, Leopold (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '01, Portorož, 27.-28. september 2001. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 2001, str. 57-64.
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Maribor, Slovenia
Saje, Štok, Mole
Postopek določitve začetne oblike pločevine iz poznane deformirane oblike = A procedure for the determination of the blank shape from its deformed shape. V: ŠKERGET, Leopold (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi 2000, Maribor, 21.-22. september 2000. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 2000, str. 239-246
KONFERENCA: 3rd International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics,held in Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia
Koc, Štok
Computer aided identification of the yield curve. V: MAROVIĆ, Pavao (ur.). Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics,held in Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 28-30, 2000. Zagreb: Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2000, str. 17-24
KONFERENCA: 5th International Symposium on Operational Research SOR '99, Preddvor, Slovenia
Kladnik, Koc, Štok, Zadnik-Stirn
Shape optimization of the blank sheet for deep drawing of a square cup. V: RUPNIK, Viljem (ur.), ZADNIK STIRN, Lidija (ur.), DROBNE, Samo (ur.). 5th International Symposium on Operational Research SOR '99, Preddvor, Slovenia, September 30 - October 2, 1999. Proceedings. Ljubljana: Slovenian Society Informatika, Section for Operational Research, 1999, str. 221-226.
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Zemono, Slovenia
Koc, Štok
Računalniško podprta identifikacija krivulje plastičnega tečenja = Computer aided identification of the yield curve. V: ŠTOK, Boris (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '99, Zemono, 30. september-1. oktober 1999. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1999, str. 143-150
KONFERENCA: 12th Bienniel Conference on Fracture, ECF, Sheffield, UK
Pustaić, Štok
Some critical remarks on the Dugdale strip yield model for the crack tip plasticity. V: BROWN, M. W. (ur.), RIOS, E. R. de los (ur.), MILLER, K. J. (ur.). Fracture from defects : proceedings of the 12th Bienniel Conference on Fracture - ECF 12 - held in Sheffield, U.K., 14-18 September 1998. Cradley Heath: EMAS, 1998, vol. II, str. 889-894
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Logarska dolina, Slovenia
Rus, Štok, Mole
Računalniško simuliranje masivnega preoblikovanja = Computer modelling of bulk metal forming. V: ŠTOK, Boris (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '98, Logarska dolina, Slovenija, 1.-2. oktober 1998. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1998, str. 153-160
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Logarska dolina, Slovenia
Saje, Mole, Štok, Poje
Računalniško simuliranje globokega vleka gastro posode = A computer simulation of deep-drawing of the gastronorm pan. V: ŠTOK, Boris (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '98, Logarska dolina, Slovenija, 1.-2. oktober 1998. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1998, str. 161-168.
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Logarska dolina, Slovenia
Šajn, Kosel, Štok
Določitev toka okoli jadra jadrnice = The flow over a ship sail. V: ŠTOK, Boris (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '98, Logarska dolina, Slovenija, 1.-2. oktober 1998. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1998, str. 305-312
KONFERENCA: 6. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, Portorož, Slovenija
Vojvodič-Tuma, Štok
Vgradnja tulcev brez zvara v cevi uparjalnika jedrske elektrarne Krško = Sleeve mounting in the steam generator tubes without welded joint in nuclear power plant Krško. V: 6. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, Portorož, Slovenija 3. - 5. november 1998. Program in knjiga povzetkov. [Ljubljana: IMT, 1998], str. 90 = KM 37.
ČLANEK: Optimiranje orodja za ekstruzijo
Mihelič, Štok
Tool design optimization in extrusion processes. Comput. struct.. [Print ed.], 1998, 68, 283-293.
ČLANEK: Karakterizacija termo-reoloških lastnosti snovi
Koc, Štok
Računalniško podprta karakterizacija termo-reoloških lastnosti snovi = Computer aided thermo-rheological characterization. Kovine zlit. tehnol., 1997, letn. 31, št. 3/4, str. 197-200.
ČLANEK: Parameterska študija pri izdelavi cevovoda za toplotni izmenjevalec
Rojc, Štok
Process parameter study of the blowing operation in the manufacture of heat exchanger pipeline systems. Simul. pract. theory. [Print ed.], 1997, vol. 5, str. 733-750.
ČLANEK: Računalniško simuliranje za tehnološke procese
Računalniško simuliranje - podpora učinkovitejšemu načrtovanju tehnoloških procesov = Computer simulation - a means for improving the efficiency of technology processes design. Stroj. vestn., 1997, let. 43, št. 11/12, str. 463-482.
KONFERENCA: EUROMECH Colloquium, Kerkrade, Netherlands
Koc, Štok
Computer aided identification of the temeperature dependence of thermal properties. V: SOL, Hugo (ur.), OOMENS, Cees W.J. (ur.). Material identification using mixed numerical experimental methods : proceedings of the EUROMECH Colloquium held in Kerkrade, The Netherlands, 7-9 April 1997. Dordrecht; Boston; London: Kluwer Academic, 1997, str. 132-141
KONFERENCA: 2nd Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Supetar, Croatia
Štok, Koc
Inverse identification of thermo-rheology parameters. V: MAROVIĆ, Pavao (ur.), SORIĆ, Jurica (ur.), VRANKOVIĆ, Nikola (ur.). Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, held in Supetar, Croatia, 18-20 September 1997. Zagreb: Croatian Society of Mechanics, 1997, str. 369-376.
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Mokrice, Slovenia
Kladnik, Koc, Štok
Optimiranje oblike mehansko obremenjenih ploskovnih elementov = Shape optimization of shell elements subject to mechanical loading. V: ŠTOK, Boris (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '97, Mokrice, 25.-26. september 1997. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1997, str. 97-104
KONFERENCA: 4th Regional Meeting Nuclear Energy in Central Europe, Bled, Slovenia
Štok, Koc, Mole, Rojc
Fracture mechanics analysis of the RCP casing of NPP Krško. V: MAVKO, Borut (ur.), CIZELJ, Leon (ur.). 4th Regional Meeting Nuclear Energy in Central Europe, Bled, Slovenia, 7-10 September 1997. Proceedings. Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 1997, str. 61-67
KONFERENCA: 2nd World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Zakopane, Poland
Mihelič, Štok
Sequence planning and tool optimization in multi-step wire drawing. V: Second World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Zakopane, Poland, May 26-30, 1997, Extended abstracts. [S. l.]: ISSMO, 1997, str. 173-174
ČLANEK: Identifikacija temperaturne odvisnosti snovnih lastnosti
Koc, Štok
Računalniško podprta identifikacija temperaturne odvisnosti snovnih lastnosti. Kovine zlit. tehnol., 1996, letn. 30, št. 1/2, str. 15-18
ČLANEK: Analiza razpoke, obremenjene s pravokotnimi silami glede na smer razpoke
Štok, Pustaić
O utjecaju opterećenja paralelnog s ravninom pukotine na otvaranje pukotine i na veličinu plastične zone oko vrha pukotine = On the influence of the loads, acting parallel to the crack surface, on the crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) and on the magnitude of the plastic zone around the crack tip. Strojarstvo, 1996, god. 38, br. 2/3, str. 73-87.
ČLANEK: Dvostopenjsko optimiranje lupin
Štok, Mihelič
Two-stage design optimization of shell structures. Struct. eng. rev., 1996, letn. 8, št. 2/3, str. 91-97.
ČLANEK: Optimiranje večstopenjskega procesa izdelovanje žice
Mihelič, Štok
Optimization of single and multistep wire drawing processes with respect to minimization of the forming energy. Struct. optim., 1996, letn. 12, št. 2/3, str. 120-126.
ČLANEK: Na hitrosti temelječ pristop z upoštevanjem pospeškov pri izračunu viskoplastičnih problemov
Mole, Chenot, Jean Loup, Fourment
A velocity based approach including acceleration to the finite element computation of viscoplastic problems. Int. j. numer. methods eng., 1996, vol. 39, no. 20, str. 3439-3451.
KONFERENCA: 5th International conference on technology of plasticity, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Štok, Mihelič
Optimal design of multi-step extrusion/drawing processes. V: Advanced technology of plasticity 1996 : proceedings of the 5th International conference on technology of plasticity, Columbus, Ohio, USA, October 7-10, 1996. Columbus: ICTP, 1996, str. 185-188.
KONFERENCA: 3rd International Conference in Computational Structures Technology, Budapest, Hungary
Mihelič, Štok
Optimal process design of multi-step rod drawing. V: TOPPING, Barry H. V. (ur.). 3rd International Conference in Computational Structures Technology, Budapest, August 21-23, 1996. Advances in optimization for structural engineering. Edinburgh: Civil-Comp Press, 1996, str. 239-245
KONFERENCA: 11th Biennial European Conference on Fracture, ECF, Poitiers, France
Pustaić, Štok
Crack tip plasticity investigations using Dugdale strip yield model approach. V: PETIT, J. (ur.). Mechanisms and mechanics of damage and failure : proceedings of the 11th Biennial European Conference on Fracture - ECF 11 - held in Poitiers-Futuroscope, France, 3-6 September 1996. Vol. 1. Poitiers-Futuroscope: EMAS, 1996, str. 151-156.
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia
Mihelič, Štok
Optimiranje procesa pri hladnem masivnem preoblikovanju = Optimal process design of bulk metal forming processes. V: ŠTOK, Boris (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '96, Gozd Martuljek, 19.-20. september 1996. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1996, str. 89-96
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia
Koc, Štok
Računalniško podprta identifikacija termomehanskih snovnih lastnosti = Computer aided identification of the thermomechanical material properties. V: ŠTOK, Boris (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '96, Gozd Martuljek, 19.-20. september 1996. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1996, str. 105-112
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia
Šajn, Štok
Numerično modeliranje mehanskega problema v sklopljenem sistemu fluid-deformabilno telo = Numerical modelling of fluid-solid interaction. V: ŠTOK, Boris (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '96, Gozd Martuljek, 19.-20. september 1996. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1996, str. 145-152
KONFERENCA: 8th International congress on experimental mechanics and experimental/numerical mechanics in electronic packaging, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Štok, Koc
To What Extent Can the Numerics Give Support to the Experimental Evaluations. V: Abstract proceedings of the 8th International congress on experimental mechanics and experimental/numerical mechanics in electronic packaging : June 10-13, 1996, Nashville, Tennessee. Bethel: SEM, 1996, str. 230-231
ČLANEK: Analiza temperaturnega polja pri indukcijskem segrevanju
Štok, Pokorn, Mole
Analiza temperaturnega polja pri indukcijskem segrevanju. Kovine zlit. tehnol., 1995, letn. 29, št. 1/2, str. 70-75.
KONFERENCA: 3. Slovenska konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, Portorož, Slovenia
Štok, Koc
Računalniško podprta identifikacija temperaturne odvisnosti snovnih lastnosti. V: 3. Slovenska konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 4.-6. oktober 1995, Portorož, združuje 47. Posvetovanje o metalurgiji in kovinskih gradivih, 3. Posvetovanje o materialih [in] 15. Slovensko vakuumsko posvetovanje : program. [S. l.]: [s. n.], 1995, str. 62
KONFERENCA: 9th international cold forging congress, Solihul, UK
Kuzman, Štok
Total Process Control - A Precondition for Net Shape Forming Implementation. V: 9th international cold forging congress : conference proceedings, Solihul, UK, 22-26 May 1995, str. 123-128.
KONFERENCA: Computational Mechanics International Conference, Hawaii, USA
Štok, Mole, Pokorn
Modelling of the coupled electromagnetic-thermomechanical problem and its application to heat treatment. V: ATLURI, Satya N. (ur.), YAGAWA, Genki (ur.), CRUSE, Thomas A. (ur.). Computational mechanics '95 : theory and applications : proceedings of the International Conference, Hawaii, USA, July 30 - August 3, 1995. Berlin [etc.]: Springer, 1995, str. 574-580
KONFERENCA: Developments in computational techniques for structural engineering, Edinburgh, UK
Mihelič, Štok
Tool design optimization in extrusion processes. V: TOPPING, Barry H. V. (ur.). Developments in computational techniques for structural engineering. Edinburgh: Civil-Comp, cop. 1995, str. 359-365
KONFERENCA: IASTED International Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Štok, Mole
Perspectives of computer simulations in heat treatment. V: DE SILVA, Clarence W. (ur.), HAMZA, M. H. (ur.). Modelling and simulation : proceedings of the IASTED International Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka, July 26-28, 1995. Anaheim; Calgary; Zürich: IASTED, 1995, str. 106-109
KONFERENCA: 1st International Conference on Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Koc, Štok
Material characterization through a numerical solution of inverse boundary - value problem. V: EMRI, Igor (ur.), KNAUSS, Wolfgang G. (ur.). 1st International Conference on Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Ljubljana, 11-13 September 1995. Proceedings. Bethel (Connecticut): Society for Experimental Mechanics; Ljubljana: [Center za eksperimentalno mehaniko], 1995, str. 79-84
KONFERENCA: Numiform, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Štok, Mihelič
Optimal Design of the Die Shape Using Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis. V: SHEN, Shan-Fu (ur.), DAWSON, Paul (ur.). Simulation of materials processing : theory, methods and applications Numiform 95. Rotterdam: Balkema, 1995, str. 625-630
KONFERENCA: Structural and multidisciplinary optimization, 1st world congress, Goslar, Germany
Mihelič, Štok
Shape Optimization Applied to Metal Forming Processes. V: Structural and multidisciplinary optimization : proceedings of the first world congress, 28 May - 2 June 1995, Goslar, Germany. Goslar: Pergamon, 1995, str. 1-2
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Radenci, Slovenia
Mole, Chenot, Štok
Izboljšani algoritem za numerično reševanje viskoplastičnih problemov. V: OBLAK, Maks (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '95, Radenci, 21. - 22. september 1995. Zbornik del : Kuhljevi dnevi '95. V Ljubljani: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1995, str. 295-302
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Radenci, Slovenia
Koc, Štok
Numerična analiza inverznega viskoelastičnega problema. V: OBLAK, Maks (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '95, Radenci, 21. - 22. september 1995. Zbornik del : Kuhljevi dnevi '95. V Ljubljani: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1995, str. 303-309
KONFERENCA: The 3rd International congress on industrial and applied mathematics ICIAM 95, Hamburg, Germany
Štok, Mole
Modelling and Computer Simulation of Heat Treatment. V: NOVAK, Bojan. The third International congress on industrial and applied mathematics ICIAM 95, Hamburg 3.-7. July 1995 : session Artificial intelligence, expert systems. Hamburg, 1995, str. 452
ČLANEK: Matematično modeliranje termičnih stanj pri strjevanju
Štok, Bukovec, Koroušić
Matematično modeliranje termičnih stanj pri strjevanju. Kovine zlit. tehnol., 1994, letn. 28, št. 1/2, str. 169-174
ČLANEK: Reševanje tornega kontaktnega problema
Štok, Hudoklin
How to tuckle the compatibility constraints in a computational solution of frictional contact problem. Finite elem. anal. des.. [Print ed.], 1994, vol. 18, str. 111-119.
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Šmarješke Toplice, Slovenia
Štok, Mole, Pokorn
Numerično modeliranje vezanega elektromagnetnega in termomehanskega problema. V: OBLAK, Maks (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '94, Šmarješke Toplice, 22. - 23. september 1994. Zbornik del. V Ljubljani: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1994, str. 215-222
KONFERENCA: 1. kongres Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku, Zagreb, Croatia
Koc, Štok
Optimizacija konstrukcija metodom dekompozicije = Optimization of structures by decomposition method. V: SORIĆ, Jurica (ur.), VRANKOVIĆ, Nikola (ur.). Zbornik radova 1. kongresa Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku. Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku, 1994, str. 301-308
KONFERENCA: 2. posvetovanje o materialih, Portorož, Slovenia
Štok, Pokorn, Mole
Modeliranje toplotnih obdelav. V: 45. posvetovanje o metalurgiji in kovinskih gradivih [in] 2. posvetovanje o materialih [in] 14. slovensko vakuumsko posvetovanje, 5. - 7. oktober 1994, Portorož. Program. [Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije], 1994, str. 46
KONFERENCA: 2. posvetovanje o materialih, Portorož, Slovenia
Štok, Pokorn, Mole
Analiza temperaturnega polja pri indukcijskem segrevanju. V: 45. posvetovanje o metalurgiji in kovinskih gradivih [in] 2. posvetovanje o materialih [in] 14. slovensko vakuumsko posvetovanje, 5. - 7. oktober 1994, Portorož. Program. [Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije], 1994, str. 57
KONFERENCA: The 3rd World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Chiba, Japan
Štok, Kuzman, Srna
Disscusion on parameters influencing accuracy in precision metal forming. V: Third World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Chiba, Japan, August 1-5, 1994. WCCM III, Extended abstracts. [S. l.]: International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), 1994, vol. 1, str. 415-416
ČLANEK: Matematično modeliranje rotacijskega litja
Štok, Mole
Matematično modeliranje rotacijskega litja - analiza termomehanskega stanja v orodju = Mathematical modelling of rotary casting - thermomechanical analysis of a mould. Kovine zlit. tehnol., 1993, letn. 27, št. 1/2, str. 175-180.
ČLANEK: Analiza parametrov v lomni mehaniki
Pustaić, Štok
Analiza nekih parametara mehanike loma primjenom teorije funkcija kompleksne varijable. Strojarstvo, 1993, god. 35, br. 1/2, str. 31-39.
KONFERENCA: 5th International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh, UK
Štok, Mihelič
A two-stage design optimization of shell structures. V: TOPPING, Barry H. V. (ur.). 5th International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh, 1993. Developments in computational engineering mechanics. Edinburgh: CIVIL-COMP, cop. 1993, str. 215-218.
KONFERENCA: Second International Conference on Manufacturing Technology, Hong Kong
Kuzman, Štok, Srna
Computer aided process optimisation and tool design for precision metal forming. V: Second International Conference on Manufacturing Technology, Hong Kong, 16-18 December 1993 : proceedings. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1993, str. 361-365.
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Šmarješke toplice, Slovenia
Kranjec, Štok
Matematično modeliranje toplotnih obdelav. V: OBLAK, Maks (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi'93, Šmarješke toplice, 23. - 20. september 1993. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1993, str. 13-20.
KONFERENCA: 1. posvetovanje o materialih, Portorož, Slovenia
Koroušić, Bukovec, Štok
Numerična analiza snovnih parametrov kovinskih materialov na osnovi ohlajevalne krivulje. V: 44. posvetovanje o metalurgiji in kovinskih gradivih [in] 1. posvetovanje o materialih, Portorož, 6.-8. oktober 1993. Povzetki. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo, 1993, str. 180
KONFERENCA: 1. posvetovanje o materialih, Portorož, Slovenia
Bukovec, Štok, Koroušić
Matematično modeliranje termičnih stanj pri strjevanju. V: 44. posvetovanje o metalurgiji in kovinskih gradivih [in] 1. posvetovanje o materialih, Portorož, 6.-8. oktober 1993. Povzetki. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo, 1993, str. 223.
KONFERENCA: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung, Dresden, Germany
Štok, Srna, Hudoklin
Contact Problems in the Large Displacement Beam Theory. V: Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung '93, Technische Universität Dresden, 12.-16. April 1993. Dresden: Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 1993, str. 141
ČLANEK: Numerična simulacija procesa izdelave ingotov
Štok, Mole
Numerična simulacija procesa izdelave ingotov po EPŽ postopku = Numerical simulation of ESR ingots production. Kovine zlit. tehnol., 1992, letn. 26, št. 1/2, str. 197-200
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Portorož, Slovenia
Mole, Štok
Analiza vpliva plastičnega utrjevanja v primeru cikličnega obremenjevanja termoplastičnih problemov = Study of influence of the plastic hardening in the case of cyclic thermo-plastic problems. V: OBLAK, Maks (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '92, Portorož, 24.-25. september 1992. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1992, str. 53-59
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Portorož, Slovenia
Hudoklin, Štok
Numerična analiza kontakta
Več deformabilnih teles = Numerical solution of the multibody contact problem. V: OBLAK, Maks (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '92, Portorož, 24.-25. september 1992. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1992, str. 279-286
KONFERENCA: Nonlinear engineering computations, NEC-91, Fourth International Conference, Split, Croatia
Štok, Mole, Srna
Finite difference thermo-plastic stress analysis of cyclically thermally loaded problems. V: BIĆANIĆ, Nenad (ur.), OWEN, Roger (ur.), MAROVIĆ, Pavao (ur.), JOVIĆ, Vinko (ur.), MIHANOVIĆ, Ante (ur.). Nonlinear engineering computations : proceedings of NEC-91, Fourth International Conference held [in Split, Croatia], 16th-20th September 1991. Swansea: Pineridge, 1991, str. 509-518.
KONFERENCA: 10th Congress on material testing, Budapest, Hungary
Štok, Koc
Finite element stress concentration investigations of infinite domains with cracks. V: The proceedings of the 10th Congress on material testing, Budapest 1991. volume I. Budapest: Scientific Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1991, str. 291-296
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Lipica, Slovenia
Mole, Štok
Numerična simulacija procesa rotacijskega litja v kokilo = Numerical simulation of the rotary casting process. V: OBLAK, Maks (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '91, Lipica, 26.-27. 9. 1991. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1991, str. 107-113
ČLANEK: Kontakni problem pri valjanju, vključujoč viskoelastični materialni odziv
Štok, Kranjec
Modelling of a rolling contact problem with the viscoelastic material response included. Comput. struct.. [Print ed.], 1990, vol. 37, issue 6, str. 1037-1042.
KONFERENCA: 3rd International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Kyoto, Japan
Štok, Mole, Švajger, Zajc
Finite element modelling and simulation of electroslag remelting process. V: Advanced technology of plasticity 1990 : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Kyoto, July 1/6, 1990. [Tokyo]: Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, [1990], vol. 2, str. 1013-1019
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Rogla, Yugoslavia
Mole, Štok
Vpliv fazne premene na napetosti pri toplotni obdelavi kovin = Influence of phase transformation on stresses in thermal treatment of metals. V: OBLAK, Maks (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '90, Rogla, 27.-28. 9. 1990. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1990, str. 42-48
KONFERENCA: 4th International Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, CMEM 89, Capry, Italy
Štok, Hudoklin, Mole
Modelling contact problems including friction and temperature effects. V: CARLOMAGNO, Giovanni M. (ur.). 4th International Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements (CMEM 89), Capry, Italy, May 23-26, 1989. Computers and experiments in mechanics. Napoli; CUEN, 1989, str. 232-241.
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Rogla, Yugoslavia
Štok, Mole
Modeliranje fazne premene pri toplotni obdelavi kovin = Modelling of phase transformation in thermal analysis of metals. V: SAJE, Miran (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '89, Rogla, 19.-20. oktober 1989. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1989, str. 71-80
KONFERENCA: Kuhljevi dnevi, Preddvor, Yugoslavia
Štok, Hudoklin
Elasto-plastična analiza Hertzovega kontaktnega problema z upoštevanjem trenja. V: SAJE, Miran (ur.), SRPČIČ, Stane (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '88, Preddvor, 21.-22. 12. 1988. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1988, str. 22-32
KONFERENCA: XVII jugoslovenski kongres teorijske i primenjene mehanike, Zadar, Yugoslavia
Štok, Krušič, Kosel, Mole
Reševanje robnih problemov teorije elastičnosti z Lauricella-Šermanovo integralsko enačbo = Solution of boundary problems of theory of elasticity by means of Lauricella-Šerman integral equation. V: XVII jugoslovenski kongres teorijske i primenjene mehanike, Zadar, 2.-6. juni 1986. C1 - Mehanika čvrstog deformabilnog tela. Beograd: [Jugoslovensko društvo za mehaniku], 1986, str. 7-12 (C1-2)
KONFERENCA: XVII jugoslovenski kongres teorijske i primenjene mehanike, Zadar, Yugoslavia
Kosel, Kosec, Hrvatin, Štok
Kvazistatično termoelastično napetostno stanje v polravnini z odsekoma zveznim temperaturnim razteznostnim koeficientom = A quasi-static thermoelastic stress state in the semi-plane with sectionally continuous thermal expansion coefficient. V: XVII jugoslovenski kongres teorijske i primenjene mehanike, Zadar, 2.-6. juni 1986. C1 - Mehanika čvrstog deformabilnog tela. Beograd: [Jugoslovensko društvo za mehaniku], 1986, str. 169-175 (C1-28).
KONFERENCA: 8. međunarodnog simpozija Projektiranje i proizvodnja podržani računalom, Zagreb, Yugoslavia
Štok, Laure, Koc
Reševanje upogiba plošč z metodo robnih elementov = Solution of plate bending problem by BEM. V: Zbornik radova sa 8. međunarodnog simpozija Projektiranje i proizvodnja podržani računalom, Zagreb - Jugoslavija, 15.-16. listopada 1986. Zagreb: Elektrotehnički fakultet, 1986, str. 247-252.
ČLANEK: Upogib neskončnih plošč
Štok, Krušič, Kosel
Bending boundary problems of an infinite plate with cuts in one row. Z. angew. Math. Mech., 1986, 66, 4, str. T/181-183.
ČLANEK: Napetostno-deformacijsko stanje dvakrat preganjenih plošč
Batista, Kosel, Štok
Determination of the stress-strain state in two-fold connected plates. Z. angew. Math. Mech., 1986, 66, 4, str. T 121-T 123
ČLANEK: Upogib nosilcev nekonstantne togosti in velikimi premiki
Kosel, Baebler, Štok
Bending of thin uniaxial curved elements with inconstant rigidity and big displacements = Upogib vitkih ukrivljenih enoosnih elementov z nekonstantno togostjo in velikimi premiki, 1984, br. 10, str. 47-66.
KNJIGA: Mehanika deformabilnih teles, Zbirka rešenih problemov
Fakulteta za strojništvo, 1988.
KONFERENCA: 16. kongresa racionalne i primenjene mehanike, Bečići, Yugoslavia
Štok, Krušič, Kosel
Upogib neskončne plošče z zarezami. V: Zbornik radova 16. kongresa racionalne i primenjene mehanike : Bečići 27.5.-2.6.1984. C1-C4, Mehanika čvrstog deformabilnog tela. Beograd: Jugoslovensko društvo za mehaniku, 1984, str. 129-136.
KONFERENCA: 16. kongresa racionalne i primenjene mehanike, Bečići, Yugoslavia
Kosel, Baebler, Štok, Batista
Upogib tenkega ukrivljenega elementa nekonstantne togosti. V: Zbornik radova 16. kongresa racionalne i primenjene mehanike : Bečići 27.5.-2.6.1984. C1-C4, Mehanika čvrstog deformabilnog tela. Beograd: Jugoslovensko društvo za mehaniku, 1984, str. 153-162
KONFERENCA: 16. kongresa racionalne i primenjene mehanike, Bečići, Yugoslavia
Inkrementalno iteracijska metoda reševanja napetosti in deformacij v elastoplastičnem območju z metodo končnih elementov. V: Zbornik radova 16. kongresa racionalne i primenjene mehanike : Bečići 27.5.-2.6.1984. C1-C4, Mehanika čvrstog deformabilnog tela. Beograd: Jugoslovensko društvo za mehaniku, 1984, str. 241-246